Computer Tips & Tricks

Many computer users may consider themselves to learn new computer tips & tricks, but there are always new ways to accelerate your skills on PC and we assure you.

We’ve compiled some of the simplest computer moves for which you should take advantage. The ultimate goal is to help you become more productive by shaving valuable seconds from your workflow. Of course, you can always pass these suggestions to your unwise friends and family members so that they can become better PC users.

The original Tips and Tricks Guide was published in 2013. Since we have revised this article, we have drawn some suggestions which are no longer relevant, and we have added a lot more that we must be to this list. The original guide was also very much Windows-centric, and it continues to be quite a bit, though we’ve included several macro-equivalent and shortcut information-related information used by Desktop users.

Computer General Tips & Tricks

Undo a closed tab we dedicate a section below for web browsing, but it is very useful to remember. Accidentally closed a tab? Just press Ctrl + Shift + T to reopen the most recently closed tabs and come back to what you were doing.

Window snapping and multiple monitor controls will cause the window to snap fast on each side of the monitor by pressing the Windows key + arrow key. Alternatively, hitting the Shift + Windows key + arrows will cause the window to reach other monitors. When pressing Windows + P, you can quickly install a second display or projector.

Password-protected files are an easy way to lock access to some files, to create an encrypted archive. Obstacles Do you already have a copy of 7-Zip, WinRAR, create a new archive, choose to encrypt its content, and protect passwords.

Undo all those mistakes to fix them Do you know that you can undo almost any action? Ctrl + Z is the ultimate hotkey, and of course, you already knew about it, though note that does not apply to undo typing. If you accidentally delete or move the file, you can press Ctrl + Z to bring it back (Ctrl + Y, which will reddish the egg).

YouTube keyboard shortcuts If you thought using Spacebar to stop YouTube videos was effective (except when the focus is elsewhere and it does not work), instead of trying to use K to stop, While J & L will move forward / forward 10 seconds forward. M works for mute. Super easy

Like a screenshot, you mean the easiest way to capture screenshots is by printing screener PrtScr on the print keyboard.

Windows Power User Menu You can open a quick list of normal power users’ destinations in Windows by clicking the bottom left right-hand right of the start button on Windows 8 and 10, which opens a context menu with Power Options, Event Viewer, Device Manager, and Shortcuts. Expeditiously This menu is also accessible by pressing Windows key + X.

Easily remove images from the Word (.docx) file. Change the file name from .docx to .zip and open the file. The picture will be in one of the directories.

Find/delete large waste space files An easy tool called Space Sniffer can be easily used to find out which files and folders are taking the most space on your drive. From there, you can remove them and open a ton of storage space. Other Windows Options (Free) include WinDirStat and TreeSize.

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Delete the Windows.old folder. If you have a lot of space and keep unhealthy in mind, you can ignore the folder and it should be automatically removed after 30 days of the update. But if you are interested in storage space, you can use Windows’s own tools to remove it easily.

At the command prompt here in Windows File Explorer, type “cmd” in the address bar and it will open a command prompt in that directory.

Reduce the number of programs running on startup If your PC is taking a very long time to boot, it probably is because you have a lot of programs running at startup. It’s easy to reduce and it will make your PC launch pretty fast. Ensure that whatever you are discontinuing, research as there may be some process required by the third party program you have installed.

Windows: Open Task Manager (Ctrl + Shift + Esc) and go to the Startup tab so that you want to launch which program with your system.

Windows 7 and earlier: Enter MSConfig to access the window with open run (windows key + r) and a similar startup section.

Typing Tips & Tricks

Paste the copied plain text when you copy the text from any source, then the program usually includes any formatting that comes with it. To paste it as plain text, press Ctrl + Shift + V instead of standard Ctrl + V, and the system will paste the word unformatted.

Delete a whole word Instead of removing a letter, pressing the Ctrl + backspace will remove the entire word behind the cursor. If you screw a whole word, then the text is removed quickly.

Move the cursor to the beginning of the next or previous word, manually moving the cursor around, while typing is a great way to take your work for a long time. To speed up the process, move the cursor around with the keyboard shortcut. To move it to the beginning of the previous word, use Ctrl + Left Arrow. To move it to the beginning of the next word, use Ctrl + Right Arrow.

Create all and superScript text If you have to create sub or superscript text (think exponents for superscript), press Ctrl + = for superscript and press Ctrl + Shift + = for superscript.

Use the Windows Character Map to identify and create foreign symbols, view the Start menu for “Character Map” and you should get a utility that enables each character of imagining and use Alt + Numpad Code also provides. For example, Euro Sign (€) can be made with Alt + 0128.

Keyboard Shortcuts Tricks & Tips

Open Task Manager directly If you want to bypass the interrupt when pressing Ctrl + Alt + Del and jump directly to the Task Manager, click on Ctrl + Shift + Esc will launch it directly.

Use Spotlight Windows The underlying search is not useless, but it is definitely incredibly slow.

Interrupt all processes Ctrl + Alt + Delete access to be a normal PC shortcut, and almost all power users are familiar. The important thing to note is that it hinders all the processes that your system suppresses, which means there is a difference between the need to restart or not.

Switch through open windows allows you to switch through the currently open window (Alt + Shift + Tab can switch backwards) by pressing Alt + Tab.

Launch the program with your hotkey Right-click on any application’s shortcuts in Windows, go to Properties, and in the Shortcuts tab you should see a “Shortcut Key” field where you can type your favorite launch combo. Also note that, if you click on the “advanced” option in the shortcut tab, you can set it to run as an administrator, which is especially useful for creating shortcuts in an advanced command prompt. . It can be set to launch with the Ctrl + Alt + Numpad 1 key for example.

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Turn off the current program Typing Alt + F4 will close the program that is running. This is useful because it spends time on clicking “X” and clicking on it. People will often use it as a joke, so that you can press Alt + F4 to solve any problem. Do not fall for this until you want to stop what you are doing.

Sometimes you reduce all the windows, you have a bunch of stuff, and you want to remove it all so that you can go to the desktop. Simply pressing the Windows key + D will reduce whatever you have, which will save you some time by pressing the Minimal Button for each window. It should be noted that Windows + M provides similar functionality, but there is no undo, so Windows + D is a more favorable approach.

You can use the menu key on the keyboard to right click on each keyboard, there is no key (shown above), but many people do. Right-click on any of the focus / selects in Windows by pressing the button.

Close the current window / tab on that X button walking stick all the way? Press Ctrl + W and the current window will close. (Do not do it now, or you will remember the rest of the moves!)

Bring the system information window This is a lot faster than digging it in a traditional way … just press windows + pause / brake and the system information panel will be ready to go. This can be the only use of a break / break key you ever received, so enjoy it!

Use your keyboard to launch programs on Windows Taskbar Tap the Windows key + The number that matches the status of the program is a quick way to open them. For example, if Chrome was the second icon on your taskbar and this is what you wanted to open, you would press Windows key + 2.

Use your keyboard to navigate system tray icon Pressing Windows key + B will automatically select the system tray area, at which point you will need to highlight something with the arrow keys and press enter to open it. .

Enable Copy and Paste in the Windows Command Prompt, while you are typing with the command prompt shortcut, if you right-click it, go to Properties> Options> and check the box next to “QuickEdit mode” Then you will be able to select the text Left Click, with the right click, enter and paste with the paste.

Web Browsing Tips & Tricks

Go to the address bar There are several ways to jump from the browser to the address bar from anywhere. Everyone fulfills this goal by pressing Ctrl + L, F6, and Alt + D.

Automatically add www. And for a URL .com after you type the name of the site, just click Ctrl + Enter and you can close a few seconds of typing in the URL. Need .NET instead of .com? Press Ctrl + Shift + Enter instead.

The switch through the open tab will flip between each by pressing Ctrl + Tab in a browser (Ctrl + Shift + Tab to move backwards). It can be very fast by moving the mouse and clicking on the tab. Ctrl + Num (1, 2, 3, 4, n ..) will also take you to some tabs in that numerical order. Ctrl + 9 always brings you to the last tab, even if it is more than the ninth.

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Scroll through pages with the spacebar Tapping Spacebar on the website will scroll to the full page section and clicking on Shift + space will back you up.

Instant Image Search (Chrome only) If you hold down the “S” key and right-click an image, it will open an image search on a new tab.

Use of Private Browsing Use to save cookies and history are clear for some activities, which you know as a purchase for gifts on a shared computer (of course!). Ctrl + Shift + P will have a new personal launch in Chrome by pressing Ctrl + Shift + P in Firefox and Internet Explorer.

Convert your browser to Notepad, type it in the address bar and you can write notes. Alternatively, while not fast, while not fast. Use Google Keep or Gmail’s compose mail to write notes, and save when you type and go to the cloud.

Icons-only bookmarks on your toolbar, you can simply leave your bookmark name apart from the icon so that they can take up less space on Toolbar. In Chrome: Right-click the bookmark> Edit> Delete and save the name.

Use the scroll wheel to keep your middle mouse button used by clicking the link to open it automatically in a new tab / window. If you use a scroll wheel button on a tab, it will turn it off.

Copy the link quickly click on the normal link but tap the e-mail on your keyboard to copy the link.

Make content editable Bring the console to Chrome or Firefox (right click, inspect). On the console, enter the command document.designMode = “on” which will allow you to edit any text on the screen.

Zoom in, Reset zoom Use browser magnifier to adjust website to read more comfortable. Ctrl / Cmd + (plus / minus sign) moves Use Ctrl + 0 to reset to the default zoom level.

File management Tips Tricks

Right-clicking the file quickly, right-clicking and choosing to rename is not very efficient. Instead, press F2 to select the file to change the file. To change the name of another file, type the tab without deselecting the current file. On the Mac, the name of the entry hit will change (which can be counter-intuitive to Windows users) while CMD + O is used to open it.

Cloud Backup Important Files If you are working on an important project, make sure that you are not only backing up locally. Services such as Dropbox, Google Drive, or any other popular cloud storage solution will lecture them in the background. Of course, you can throw files to the thumb drive or to be extra safe on the external HDD, but backing up to the cloud can be done seamlessly.

Rename files in sequentially in Windows or Mac You do not really need to download any programs to replace batch file names. Instead, you can select all the files you want to change, right-click the first person in the list, rename (or use F2), and type the name. It will automatically replace all other files with suffix with the same root name: (1), (2), and so on.

Select multiple files using the keyboard To select a group of files using your keyboard, you can select a file or Shift + Page Down to select a large group at a time Shift + Down arrow can press. Ctrl + A will choose everything.

Right-click the files and folders in Windows and you will be presented with a context menu that includes the option to move, copy, zip or create shortcuts.


Now that’s it, we will back soon with more tips & tricks!

Have a Nice Day!


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